I was looking forward to this year, business started off strong, I had my eyes set on opening a bbq joint, vacationing in Iowa, and then BAM! Freaking COVID-19 sideswipes all my plans! Suddenly, tourism is dead and my business goes from hero to zero. Weddings get cancelled, businesses are shut down, and then to make things worse, businesses are literally burning to the ground.
One overreaction after another and now it feels like the United States of America is committing suicide.
I’m ready for 2021, aren’t you?
As of my writing, on June 2, 2020, the 14-day quarantine is still in effect. This means anyone entering our State will have to be quarantined in their hotel or residence, for 14 full days. You can’t come out for food, or even air. You’re imprisoned. The inter-island 14-day quarantine was lifted. No word yet on when it gets lifted throughout the rest of the world. Even if it is lifted, I’m not sure how fun it will be to be a tourist in Hawaii. Mask and social distancing sucks. Who the hell wants to go to luau wearing a mask?
So my advice, if you want to get married in Hawaii, screw 2020 and go for 2021. And you know what, even if this COVID crap wasn’t happening, you would want to start getting in touch with me right around now. Start a dialogue with me. We can put together a package without a date in mind, and when the travel ban is lifted, you book the flights, dates, book me, and get cheap hotels. And trust me on this. Flights and hotels are going to be cheap as hell because they want to tourism to come back.
Hope to hear from you soon!