UPDATE: Baker refuses to obey court order: Read the article here
According to an ABC article, a Colorado Baker who has refused to bake wedding cakes for gay couples has been ordered by a State Panel to do so. The State Panel ruled the baker violated State laws which prohibited discrimination to same-sex couples. The State Panel has also ordered the bakery to file quarterly anti-discrimination reports per year, for two years; and for the staff to undergo “sensitivity training.” The baker, a devout Christian, originally said he would bake different cakes for gay couples, but not wedding cakes.
If you’re curious to where I stand, her it is.
1) Morally, it’s wrong for for this baker to refuse business from a gay couple. One should never mix their religious, political, or personal beliefs with business. If I ran a a bakery, I would gladly accept the business from any paying customer; but that’s just me. Refusing business from a same-sex couple is definitely discrimination, and it’s just a bad business practice. It’s the equivalent of a bakery saying they won’t serve republicans.
2) But at the same time, it’s also wrong for the State, or any government agency, to force their hand to tell a business who they can, and who they cannot serve.
The most offensive type of speech, is protected by the constitution.
Conceding to the State Law, the baker can lawfully refuse to bake cakes for satanist, pedophiles, polygamous, wiccans, atheist…. but he must bake cakes for same-sex couples. That just doesn’t make sense. The State of Colorado should let the market run its course. It is 100% legal to be a homophobic baker. That’s his freedom of speech. They should let it happen. If the people of Colorado felt offended that this baker would refuse business from gay couples, they would vote with their wallets. And if enough vote no with their wallets, then he would eventually go out of business, or his business would suffer causing him to change his tune.
There is something really fishy about this case. Who would want their cake baked by someone who doesn’t approve of their lifestyle? I would never eat at a restaurant, whom I knew for a fact, featured a cook who hated Chinese….
I will never accept business from this man…as of now. But imagine the publicity I’d get if i did…hmmmm
Since same-sex marriage became legal here in Hawaii, I gladly welcomed the new business. Heck, like I mentioned before, I will gladly welcome any paying customer. If you’re a man who wants to marry ten wives, and can pay for it, I’m all game. But there is a line that I will not cross. I will not marry kids, even if they are of legal age to get married, and have their parents consent. I will not plan a ceremony between a between a human and a different species, or inanimate object (yes, they do exists, watch the video!) I may reverse my opinion on that though. Imagine the negative publicity I would receive if I married a man and his inflatable dolphin. Imagine the negative publicity I would receive if I were known as the company who married kids. No online weddings too. Both adults must be there at the time of the wedding. None of this virtual stuff.
Most of all, I will not conduct business with any couple who is not willing to secure my services with a down-payment. If there is one type of client I despise of, it’s the client who rips me off. I’ve had a few!