Steven Says:

My Opinion: State says Baker must Accept Business from Same-Sex Couple

UPDATE: Baker refuses to obey court order:  Read the article here According to an ABC article, a  Colorado Baker who has refused to bake wedding cakes for gay couples has been ordered by a State Panel to do so. The State Panel ruled the baker violated State laws which prohibited […]


The “current” UH football experience consist nothing more than watching a bad coach lose his temper, falling asleep in uncomfortable seats, eating overpriced stale pizza, and paying for small expensive parking stalls.  At one time, great football play trumped everything else.  But Junes Jones, our former coach who took us […]

The Wedding Matrix: Stepping out, Bucking the Trend

HOW’S THAT URBAN LEGEND TREATING YOU? When I was in high school there was a local urban legend that said, “If anyone took raw pork over the Old Pali Highway at night, bad things would happen.  Bad…supernatural…things.”   The urban legend was passed down through generations of storytelling, circulated through […]


UPDATE APRIL 22, 2014:  Okay, I’m 100% healthy.   It took me almost two weeks to get fully healthy.  That sucked.  BUT, it’s a lot shorter that previous bronchitis attacks I’ve had in the past.  I remember about three years ago or so, that cough stuck around for a few […]

MY OPINION on Arizona’s “Anti-Gay” SB#1062 Bill

MY OPINION on Arizona’s “Anti-Gay” SB#1062 Bill

“Whose your Daddy?”   If a wedding company received an inquiry that conflicted with an owners religious beliefs; that owner, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, could exercise their First Amendment “Right of Freedom of Speech,” and refuse the offer of business.  In other words, a business has […]

Happy New Year! New Email Scam Inquiry! They are Getting Good!

FAKE WEDDING INQUIRY! Nothing brighten’s my day more by getting fake wedding inquiries during the New Years.  These scam artists are getting mighty clever.  Usually, for the most part, I can spot them from a mile.  This inquiry, I did a quick double take, but then quickly decided that it […]

SHAMELESS PLUG For My Kona Coffee Company!

KONA COFFEE FOR CHRISTMAS? Are you looking for a great last minute Christmas gift that is unique and awesome?  Well, here’s an idea. Why not send that loved one a bag of Kona Coffee, straight from I Heart Kona Coffee.  If you’re wondering why I’m plugging this coffee company, it’s […]

HawaiI Weddings got you going insane?

FAIL! Priest Lectures Photographer During Wedding Ceremony

Every now and then I google ” weddings” and hit the news category button to see if there’s anything interesting happening in my industry.  I usually get an uninteresting story about a celeb running off to get secretly married, or about yet another bride who divorced her husband a few […]

Wife of Eight Days Snaps? Pushes Husband Off the Cliff.

FIRST THERE WAS JODIE ARIAS, NOW ENTER JORDAN GRAHAM Have you heard the news?   Jordan Graham,  just 22 years old, who was married for just eight days, is accused of second-degree murder for pushing her husband off a cliff.  I’m really not sure if this is provable in court, […]

My Two Cents on Jar Jar Bink’s, I mean, Mily Cyrus’ VMA Performance.

I don’t watch the VMA’s.  I used to, when MTV actually played music videos.  But now that I’m older, I just don’t.  I really don’t remember the last award show I sat down and watched with any enthusiasm. So when I heard of this Miley Cyrus performance, I had to […]

table lamps