Here’s the sad truth. I like facebook. I’m not addicted to it like some. I don’t “check-in” to everywhere so people can know where I am. I just like it for three things: 1) Keeping in touch with old friends and family 2) keeping in touch with past clients 3) posting news articles that I think are rather interesting. If you ever want to add me, just click here
I’ve never been one to post testimonials from my past clients as I believed that idea was rather cheesy. I thought, “Anyone could ask a few clients to say anything to make me look good…” All of my competitors websites had some type of testimonials on their sites saying that their wedding company was the best and that their service was outstanding, etc..etc.. I’m not sure if they were real or fake. I think it was probably a combination of the two. Even if they were real testimonials, they sure sounded fake. Remember, I came from working in the movie industry where reporters would always call the next big summer FLOP buster “the must see movie of the year!”
That was then…pre facebook.
About a year ago, a new client of mine ask for references. She had added me as a friend on facebook to check out a few of my photos. It was then that a light bulb literally went off in my head. “Why not ask all the brides on my facebook page to say something about me?!!!” So I updated my status, and here were the results:
I regularly interact with many of my past clients on my page, many of whom have become very close friends. I posted these testimonials on my page so I don’t have to keep bugging my growing list of brides on my facebook page to vouch for me. But if you ever want to hear more from the newer brides, feel free to add me as a friend and ask them right on my wall.